Dear Dee:
I have been dating this girl for about eight months but we have not declared we are boyfriend and girlfriend. We have been making out for awhile and we always almost get caught and it scares me whether it be by the cops or my parents. I have a lot of respect for girls but this time I went too far.
Here is my problem: Her grandfather had died and she said she did not want to be at her aunt’s house because it was too sad. So I drove out and picked her up. Her parents thought I was one of her friends just taking her home. We drove back to her empty house where we started making out and some other things. Her parents came home early so I had to run to her room to hide. I was terrified shivering in the dark of her room. I overheard her mom asking whose car was outside and the girl said I don’t know.
The only way out was through her window so I broke the screen on accident trying to escape. I ran to my car and got away! Eventually her parents found out it I was there and they were furious. The girl said if they would have found me I would not be alive seriously.
I did not talk to her for weeks until it was time to take her to a dance I asked her to. Her parents were no longer mad and I am off the hook but I am still afraid to see her parents at all or even hang out with her. They even ask if I want to watch a movie with their family. Why am I still afraid of her parents? A few things here: If you’re not mature enough to admit you’re dating a girl, then you shouldn’t be dating her. I mean seriously! Grow up. You can drive. You can hang out past dark … and you’re afraid to tell people you’re dating? Think through this. Maybe you’re not ready.
And hey, if you do decide you’re ready to date and you’re really into this girl, don’t worry about her parents. So you were at her house when you weren’t supposed to be … it’s not the end of the world. And believe me, parents have walked in on their kids doing much, much worse than what you were doing. They can handle it. Just own up to your mistake, apologize to them and then RESPECT their ground rules. You guys are young. And if you have to sneak around and are ashamed of what you’ve been doing when you’re making out and other stuff’ then you probably shouldn’t be doing that. You have a conscious for a reason … don’t ignore it Listen to it, be smart and most of all … act your age and have fun. Give her parents a chance. Go to a movie night over at her house! Show them you’re the kind of guy they want their daughter hanging with … not the kind who sneaks around, jumps out windows and then never shows his face again … because those are the kind of guys all of our mommas warn good girls about … And you don’t wanna be that guy.
Wanna Date? Grow Up a Little
tags: Dating/Relationships
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