What made you decide to start Dear Dee?
Well, the fact I love giving people my opinion was a big part of my decision ... ha! I really love helping people. And I feel I have a lot to say about what young adults are dealing with in this weird, funky, wonderful world. Writing Dear Dee helps me remember we all deal with crud in our lives and it helps me keep perspective. It also is a great way for me to keep my writing, whit and sarcasm sharp (ha).
Seriously though, I was talking to one of my friends in the recent past, and when he asked me this same question, I literally said 'I have a heart for teenagers.' I believe this and stand by it. I want young adults to make strong, informed choices and I want them to live without regrets. Sometimes, this takes some guidance.
Sometimes, you say you aren't qualified to give advice on certain topics. What are those topics and why do you say that?
I am not a trained therapist. I have not taken anything other than basic psych classes in college. So, the advice I give is not clinical it's based on opinion and life experiences of myself and those around me. There are certain topics I just can't address -- especially topics where an individual is thinking of hurting themselves or others; such as suicide, cutting, drug use, abuse etc. These topics, while I care about them deeply and have convictions regarding them, are better dealt with by a professional. And in my opinion, when a reader has one of those serious issues, the best advice I can give the reader is to get professional help. And of course, I'll remember that person in my prayers.
Do you log on to like some sort of mesenger like aim,yahoo, or msn messenger; if you do and can you please give me your email?
I am an AIM girl, thru and thru. Have always loved it, and always will. (The fact I used to work for AIM has nothing to do with it!) Anyway, I have several personal accounts I use, but don't normally give those out. Although you're always welcome to email me at deardeequestions@gmail.com
Is you hair really red?
OK. My hair is really light brown, but I have been dying it red FOREVER ... and within the last few months, I added a pink streak in the front. I LOVE IT! I get compliments on my hair all the time. (I've even had people stop me on the street!).
When did you start 'Dear Dee'?
I've been writing 'Dear Dee' for about four years. I started it when I worked for AOL RED as the director of programming. A few years back, the RED staff was cut loose from AOL ... so I relaunched the site independently and changed things up a bit. I love writing it!
I am a journalist at heart and have been reporting for quite some time. I've been through a lot in my life and decided I wanted to help out those who just needed someone to talk to. ... I know if I had someone around in some of my situations, who would tell me the truth even if it hurt -- some things might've turned out differently.
Are you a Christian?
Thanks for asking this. I absolutely am a Christian. I was led to the Lord when I was 17 and recommitted several years back. I try very very hard to give advice based on Godly, Biblical principles. Sometimes, it's really hard to tell the truth -- even when I know it won't be popular. But I really do my best. And I fell 'Dear Dee' is a ministry HE wants me to pursue.
What is your favorite flavor of pie?
Oh this one is so so so easy ... I love chocolate pie. I make this fantastic one with Hershey's Chocolate bars ... and OMGoodness is it FANTASTASTIC. I also love cheesecake ... but is that a pie or a cake?
What is your sign/birthday?
I am a Gemini ... June 15 is my birthday, which of course is the BEST day of the year.
What is your favorite band?
Well, this one is pretty hard because I love tons of music. I adore Maroon 5 ... Love Matchbox Twenty ... and am crazy about the Davids -- Archuleta and Cook, that is. I also adore Rascal Flatts and a few other country bands.
What are your hobbies?
OK. I love to sew. I LOVE to sing (I actually am lead singer in a band) and I love movie trivia. I'm also addicted to Wii Fit .... Rockband ... and Guitar Hero ... yep.
What is your favorite movie of all time?
I love the classics. So if I could only pick 1 flick, it would be 'Gone with the Wind.' Now, if I could name a few, they would be:
Gone with the Wind, Titanic, ALL the Harry Potter movies, The Lord of the Rings Movies, anything Bette Davis and of COURSE TWILIGHT!
I remember when you were on RED, you always talked about Wentworth Miller. Is he still your favorite actor?
I have a major crush on Wentworth Miller. It's absolutely insane how hot I think he is. So the answer would be YES! He is still my favorite TV actor. My favorite TV actress is Katherine Heigl from 'Grey's Anatomy.'
What are your fave TV shows?
'Prison Break', 'Grey's Anatomy,' 'Gossip Girl' and 'Samantha Who?'.
Did you always want to be a writer?
No! I actually wanted to be a lawyer when I was growing up. But my first job out of high school was as an obituary clerk at my local newspaper ... and even though writing obits is way way way depressing, that's how I got my start in writing. My first editor told me I was a natural ... and writing has always just felt right to me. I love it. I love the creativity of it, the thought it takes and the mechanics. Writing is truly a passion for me. And I am thankful I fell into it.
Do you have brothers and sisters?
I am the oldest of 5 ... I have one sister and 3 brothers. My youngest brother just will be a sophomore in College -- baseball star! My sister is studying to be a nurse and my other two brothers both help my dad run the family business. All of my siblings are awesome and I am so thankful for them. (Even though my brother, when we were younger, totally shot me in the arm with a bee-bee gun ... and I have the scar to prove it. ...)
What are your favorite books to read?
OK. So I have to admit to loving the TWILIGHT series. I've read each book about 8 times. I also love the Harry Potter Books. Right now, I am reading the 8th Book in Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse Vampire mysteries series. I also just finished reading Confessions of a Shopaholic ... and I loved it (even if it is somewhat autobiographical).
Awesome! ThankYou for telling us about you! I think a lot of your readers are going to love this little section^^
I think you answered my question, "When did you start Dear Dee?" Either that or someone else asked oyu that =P
Anyways, have a great day =]
Hey, feel free to leave more questions in the comment fields! I will do my best to add on to this entry as questions/time allows
Hello well I barley started reading your blog, well I knew about it when you were part of aol but I never really paid attention to it. Well anyways I just tottally love it. And i would like to ask you a question.
Do you log on to like some sort of mesenger like aim,yahoo, or msn messenger; if you do and can you please give me your email.
You are amazing. Especially for liking Twilight AND Harry Potter. You rule dude...
Hey, Dee.
I just want to thank you for making this site. See, in my circle of friends, I'm the "Dee" that everyone comes to for advice. And I'm happy to help. But sometimes, when I need advice, I don't know who to go to, because as you know, sometimes there are things you can't tell your friends or your parents. Oops, I keep typing the word "sometimes". My bad.
I hope you reach my question soon. I sent it earlier today. I really need help!
Some Girl
You helped me get out of a love triangle
If you want teenagers to make well-informed, high-awareness decisions then you should probably stop writing advice articles. Your advice is based on what the characters in your favorite TV dramas would do, and it's hardly well-informed. Quite the contrary.
As a sidenote, I hope you haven't wasted money going to school for writing because whoever told you that you do it well was in as much a position to compliment the quality of a writer's work as you are to give well-informed advice. However, I'm not surprised to find the quality of your responses lacking, as I would expect it from anyone whose favorite "literature" comprises some of the most horribly-composed books of all time.
Stop giving kids bad advice. They don't need it.
Don't care if you can't let this one stain your sparkly mirror of a comment board where I'm sure you regularly revel in your patchwork glory... as long as you get to read it.
Take MY advice!
hi im new to these kind of sites and i have a really bigg question: what do i do if a guyfriend who is also my bestfriends ex likes me? i recently found out and i dont want to hurt him or her
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