Dear Dee:
I am 19 years old and in my second year of university. I found the transition from High School to University very difficult, but now that I'm in my second year, I feel much more comfortable. I have made few friends, but we're becoming very close and I'm so happy about that.
What I'm writing to ask advice for is, my friends are very open sexually. They talk about their hook-ups and experiences easily and are now wondering about me. The truth is, I'm 19 and NEVER been kissed!
I almost find it embarassing - I feel like a little girl when they talk ... they say stuff and I blush and do my best not to laugh, but on the inside, I feel left out and almost weird in a world where I see people kissing on the street corners and the who-knows-what at parties, and there I am, the loser who hasn't had a simple kiss!
Any advice for me?Do NOT be embarrassed. And there is no reason in this world you should be ashamed of yourself. In fact, this world is totally screwed up when girls talk about their sexual exploits as casually as they talk about the sale at the shoe store. YOU are the one in the right here. These other girls are wrong. And while that's hard for you to see, it is the truth.
It absolutely sickens me how our society has made sex such a casual, conversational thing. It is disgusting how it is a symbol of status among guys and girls. It is VERY VERY wrong!
Let me tell you this: While you're sitting there, listening to the girls talk about their latest one-nighter, and acting like it was a conquest. What they're not telling you is how they're really burying the fact there was no emotional attachment. They’re not talking about the fact that even though they were 'protected,' there's still a part of them that wonders if they'll get pregnant or a disease. They're not talking about how they feel cheap and disgusting because the guy they had sex with probably doesn't even remember their names.
Oh oh ... and let's not forget this extremely disgusting fact: When people sleep around casually, each sexual encounter isn't just with one person, it's with pretty much every person that person has had sex with and so on and so on ... UGH! THAT IS SO SO SO SO GROSS!
OK. So we've talked about 'what they're not saying ...' now let's talk about what they're not doing, OK?
These girls aren't allowing themselves to experience something meaningful with their future husbands. They're not saving anything to give to the one person they are committing their lives to. They aren't realizing they are SPECIAL enough and WORTH WAITING FOR.
And you know what? You are! When you experience the kiss you'll know you're ready and you're mature enough to handle it. You'll know what you want in a guy and you'll be able to choose accordingly.
See, these girls deep down, know what they're doing is inappropriate and wrong. But when they talk about it and are able to share their experiences collectively, they're validating their behavior to themselves ... thinking that it's OK because others are doing it, too.
Don't be ashamed. Don't be embarrassed. Not to be cliché, but you are a RARE jewel and the guy who finds you is so so so lucky. You are worth it. You are worth waiting for. And you're 'lack' of their type of experience is not a slight against you. And that's how you should portray it if you decide to tell them.
You're a great example. And you know what? I'm proud to know you!
Embarassed When Friends Talk Sex
tags: Dating/Relationships, friends, School
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I disagree.
Well before I get to my disagreement, let me first say
that she IS indeed a rare jewel and some guy out there will be blessed.
Buuuuuut. Sex is not "VERY VERY wrong." In fact, its hardly wrong at all. I dont know why you hate it so much, Dee, but for the rest of us, its quite enjoyable. And yes, I would agree with you if you said that girls that have sex casually have self-worth issues.
But if the girls are merely discussing past experiences with boyfriends, or close relationships then I have very little reason to see how it could be wrong.
However, if they are discussing random hook-ups with blurry faced strangers...then they're nothing more than bust downs ...doing what bust downs do. oh well.
In any event, I reject your moral judgement. Sex is not wrong. Sex is fun. And if no one is getting hurt, and both parties are benefitting from the excitement, then whats the problem? They're also 19 for crying out loud. Talking about sex at that age is NORMAL.
treehugger, I disagree with you. Having sex is something you should wait to do until you're married, and you truly know you're with someone you're going to be with for the rest of your life. To me, and many other girls, sex is something you should wait for, and IS very very wrong before marriage. I'm trying to get my point across, but I'm having trouble wording it. Hm. Ok. To me, if you have sex before you're married, you don't respect yourself, and your body enough to wait.
If the girls are having sex with every boyfriend they get "close" to, they could be having A LOT of sex, and eventually it WOULD turn into random hook-ups. This is what I mean: a lot of the girls at my school feel... threatened when they get too close to their boyfriend. So they end up breaking up with them. That's happened at most of the schools I've been to.
Sex can be fun I guess (I wouldn't really know) but it should only be done with someone you love, trust, and know you are going to be with forever.
Talking about sex isn't wrong. Me and my friends talk about it all the time. It's having sex that is wrong. And I, for one, agree with Dee. Dee simply wants girls to respect themselves and their bodys and WAIT until they're ready. And not everyone is ready when they become a teenager, or even after that. Some people are, and there's nothing wrong with that. But it really is best to wait.
(And remember, it's the girls who have to go through all the pain if they get pregnant. Losing our figures, getting much bigger in more ways than one, becoming irratable and moody, stretch marks, and being in pain because of the contractions and kicking of the baby. Who would really want to go through that until there was someone other than their parents to be there to help them constantly?)
I agree with anonymous 100%
Very very well said! SO true.
Ok I am a guy and im dead set intent on saving myself until i get married. Sure i have done "other" things but sex is a definite no go zone. Most my friends have gone and done it. However, in saying this, the extent to which one decides to "give themselves" (so to speak) is entirely up to them. Some people do not see sex as a big thing, and thus they can go about it casually. Others (myself included) see sex as a way of expressing your passion for a special person.
I dont think there is a should or shouldnt to this topic. One just has to decide where they stand on the issue and just stick to it.
Some guys actually prefer girls who are able to save themselves for that special someone because it shows that they are not "loose". On the otherside, you've got the guys who prefer girls who like to have fun.
I'm afraid that a topic such as sex should be left to subjectivity rather than forcing your view onto another person.
In regards to the question posed to Dee, there is no shame whatsoever in not being able to say you've had the same/similar experiences as your friend.
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