Dear Dee:
I have a super mean sister. What should I do? She is an older sister (8th grade) and she thinks just because she is older than me, she always has to be right. Help!Hum ... a super mean sister, huh? That's totally uncool, but it's pretty normal for an older sis to be kinda mean sometimes and to always want to be right. After all, she's supposed to have all the answers and know more than you, her younger sister.
But, understandably, this can get extremely annoying and make your life miserable. So it's important to try to figure out a way to deal with your sis. Now, you probably don't know everything that's going on in her life. And the 7th and 8th grade bring around a lot of changes. So, do your best to give your sister space. She's going through changes right now that probably have her a little confused, flustered and uncertain (and you'll be going through them, too soon).
I have no idea if you're antagonizing your sister or if you guys fight quite a bit. But if you do, try to take a few steps back and give your sister space. When you feel things getting a little strained or you feel an argument coming on, walk away and cool down.
Instead of letting your sister get on your nerves, hurt your feelings or make you mad, walk away before that happens and resume your conversation when you're both a little more clear-headed. (That is, if it needs to be continued. Walking away to cool down, might show you that what you were discussing/arguing about wasn't worth it.)
Really, your situation isn't any different than most people who have siblings (my brother got mad at me once and shot me with a Beebe gun ... I still have a scar). What you have to learn to do, is try to be the 'bigger' person and not play into the teasing, the taunting and the overall jerkish behavior of a sibling who's being mean. It's difficult, but after awhile, they'll stop if you show you're not going to allow it to bother you.
It sucks that, to make it bearable right now to live with your sister, you have to be the bigger person and avoid her aggrevation. But you won't regret doing it. It'll help you stay sain and it will probably help her realize how horrid she's being.
I know it's tough right now to deal with your sister. But it'll get better and she'll end up being the best friend you could ever have or would ever want to have. (And you'll laugh about how the two of you would torture each other. I know. You've heard that a thousand times.) So hang in there.
Dealing with the Meanest Sister Ever
tags: Family
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OMG that is the EXACT same story with my sis (even the whole 8th grade thing) I will totally try that.
HOPE IT WORKS!!!!!! wish me good luck
My older sister and I are in our 50s and she is still a mean bitch. She refuses to respect me or treat me in a friendly manner. I just wanted to let you know, some bitchy sisters STAY that way. Sad, but true.
im 11 and my sister is 13 and she calls me mean names like bitch,dumbass, and she knows i have A.D.D and depression and she still hurts me when i hang out with her friends she screams at me and tells me to go away she even tells on me for no reason she makes up stupid stuff that gets me in trouble it's so stupid she never hangs put with me anymore and when my parents are not around she hits me!!! she even black mails me to not tell my parents i dont even want to stare at her face no more and she finds out i wrote this god help me! and when i tell my parents she makes up stupid shit!!!!! that is lies it makes me look like the mean one! shes even mean to my parents and i dont like it!!!
My sister a bitchasshoe we just argued about cooking burger our family. Going threw a phase it eithr that but she always ben a bitch she get me trouble but i get my way sometime she not even my sister she just some body else child sofuck her or am i going to far. She told my little brother to shut up how stupid is she. She turn up the music took my playstion 3 but i will listen to your advise and. Adnore it but if get far im recording it or just snitch
Hey im 11 and my sis is 15 she calls me names and it makes me feel bad, she says i am smart but some days she calls me stupid :,( i try to ignore her but she yells dont cry and follows me and says," You started it and dont walk away from me"
But i didn't start it!
it gets really annoying and she doesn't support me like this year, she supported me at least 5, 6 times
I am 12 and my sister is 16. She never pays attention to me, and when she does, she calls me bad names, and says she hates me. We have to share a room. Sometimes, she's nice, but most of the time, she is a b****! I just wish she could change!
My sister is 17 with a kid. She lives at home, takes no responsibility. She's constantly calling me slut,whore,bitch, saying that I should go kill myself, that she would clean up blood and a dead body if it meant I'm gone. She knows I have severe depression and have tried to kill myself. She hits me any chance she gets. Face, stomach, anywhere. My parents do shit about it. She makes my life a living hell each day.
I have a sister who is about 8 years younger than I am. We used to get along really well when she was much younger, and then suddenly she changed. It started when she started going to school. That was when she started telling my parents that I was ignoring her on purpose, being mean, etc etc. I knew it was just an attention grabbing gimmick, but I couldnt help yelling at her sometimes, especially after getting punished for things I did not do. I cant tell you how silly it feels to argue with someone who is 8 years younger than you, but there it is. I wish I could ignore her, but we share the same room, the same cupboard...everything. She will poke pry and destroy, then feign ignorance. I once came back and found: my laptop screen smashed, textbooks vandalised etc. Sometimes she will lie down on my bed wearing muddy clothes, or pour evil smling 'perfume' on my clothes so that Ive got nothing to wear to school. Always the same stupid cycle repeats itself- the girl pulls some stunt, I lose my temper, nd my mother in turn, loses her temper at me.
I'm in college now, am working hard to move out, but all the money from all my partime jobs are going to my tuition fees, so for now I have to put up with her and her nonsense. Im usually a straight A student, but recently my grades have been suffering. My hair is literally turning white!
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