Dear Dee:
I've been seeing this guy for awhile, and I love him a lot, but he does drugs. I don't like it and I've confronted him about it before, but he likes doing them too much to stop. I don't want to make him pick between pot and me. My friends want me to be happy but think I should dump him...and whenever I talk to our mutual friends I hear about my boyfriend's crazy weekend of getting high. He's constantly blowing me off or making excuses about how he can't see me. It just makes me sad. What should I do?

No matter how much you love him, you can't make him change. And when we try to change someone, all of a sudden we realize the only person who's changed is us. We've changed our value system, your believes and done nothing but make excuses to validate why we've stayed in the relationship for as long as we have.
Don't you realize you don't deserve being blown off on date night so your guy can get high? Don't you realize you should be making memories with your boyfriend -- and he should actually be able to remember them. But instead, he's frying his brain cells and can't remember what he did the night before.
Here's the deal. You know what to do. You don't need me to tell you. But I will ... DUMP HIM. And remember, you will most definitely get over the heartache associated with the relationship ending ... BUT he'll NEVER get over the damage he's doing to his brain ...
Hey, to get someone else to state the obvious for ya, try calling one of our hotlines ... or better yet, when you dump this guy give the hotlines to him and tell him to get help. ... Here they are ...
Your boyfriend is a chump.
He could at the very least get high, and then hang out with you. Its not like the process takes four hours.
But if hes that much of a chump that he cant figure out how to smoke, put on eye drops, then go see you, then by all means, dump him. Im embarrassed for him.
i feel for u i do,i am currently going through the exact same situation! i had the constant let downs all the time,he'd drop me all the time and would just say he was tired and wanted to go "to sleep"all the time, which is actually a side effect that drugs can have! its so hard it is getting over someone u thought was the one but they obviuosly aren't if they have caused this much pain,no man should ever cause this much pain for a woman,its all their self doing! u r doing the best getting out of the relationship,please don't get wormed into his sorry excuses,a leopard never changes his spots!i stil have a broken heart but id prefer this temporary effect than to stay with a looser for the rest of my life! hope u feel better have done the best thing u possibly could have!
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