Dear Dee:
Hey well, I have this little problem.
Well, this girl with sorta my same screenname send me an IM out of no where saying my boyfriend was cheating on me and stuff and a whole mess of lies. I think it's a prank and I told my friends and they say it's a prank. But then again, I don't know. I haven't talked to my boyfriend, but obviously he wouldn't tell me the truth if he is, which it's hard to believe that he's cheating. What should I do?
Can you think of anything that would lead you to suspect he's stepping out on you? If you can't, and you trust this guy, chalk this one up to a stupid prank by an extremely ridiculous person who has WAY TOO MUCH time on his/her hands. I mean seriously -- this person is pathetic and mean.
It's great you've already talked to your friends about this, but if this more-than-likely-lie bugged you, the first person you probably should've talked to -- OK, maybe the second (after me!) is your boyfriend. And I have to say there's most definitely something wrong with your relationship if you can already say you know he's going to lie to you if you ask him. ... I mean, has he given you reason to believe he'll lie or are you basing it on the fact you think most people would lie instead of admitting to cheating?
Either way, the ball is in your court forget about it -- and I mean REALLY forget about it -- or talk to him. Those are really your only choices.
(BTW, I LOVE your email address ... it's like a nice little hug everytime I see it in the inbox!)
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