Dear Dee:
Along with many of your readers, I have a problem, too (shocking isn't it? lol). But I know you've given great advice on many different things, so I thought you could help me out...
You see, there's this guy in my grade, and .... well, you've probably heard this same type of story every time; "she likes him & wants to know if he likes her back".
Usually I'm really good at seeing "the signs" a guy might show off to a girl. My guy has shown me some basic signs: flirting, talking & IM-ing a lot, slow dancing, a gift around Christmas, etc. All my friends say he's in love with me. It's not like I wouldn't like that, it's just kinda hard for me to believe he'd love me like they say.
As my favorite band, Lifehouse, once said in a song, 'The End has Only Begun', "I've been chasing the answers, and they don't want to be found..." I think that pretty much sums it up in my situation.
I'm looking for answers to my questions about this guy. I mean, he's sweet, funny, smart, clever, and....well, awesome, to say the least. I need to know what's going on in this his head; he can be kinda secretive at times, so I can't figure it out straight off.Hey, one of my favorite band's, Lifehouse ALSO sang 'We're crashing ... Into the unknown ... We're lost in this ... But it feels like home"
What does that have to do with it? Well, the song talks about the familiar/unfamiliar of not really knowing how a relationship is going to start, or how you can figure out if someone's into you. So don't worry about it and don't stress about figuring him out.
Half the fun of a relationship is the mystery. So go with it, see what happens on Valentine's Day (or before) and just be your charming self. Of course, you could always take things into your own hands and just ask him out -- but that's up to you and how you want to play it.
REALLY ... don't worry about it. Don't over-analyze him or his actions. Don't think every single thing he does has a motive. Just take it all for what it is -- a guy trying to get to know a really awesome girl. And see what develops from there, OK?
Oh yeah ... and about trying to figure out what's going on in his head??? SO NOT a good idea ... it's just overly frustrating and well, impossible.
My Crush: What's He Thinking?
tags: Dating/Relationships, friends
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