User: Why Bring God Into It?

Dear Dee:
I usually agree with what you say but I have to argue with the advice you gave to "Please help me" regarding
"SI, Depression May Make Life Seem Hopeless".

I don't think you should have brought religion into the answer. She could have easily been atheist and not believed in a higher power. It is very possible that she does not believe a God has created her. Just saying that you should consider these things before giving advice like that! Thanks!

Thank you so much for writing and you're most definitely allowed to have a different opinion than mine. Luckily, she asked for my opinion and I am dedicated to not censoring my thoughts or my beliefs. Of course, a reader can take them or leave them at will. I felt I had to say what I did. And that particular reader has been on my mind and heart a lot today.

Hey, while I have you -- remember, everyone: You can leave comments on each post by opening it up in a separate window and hitting the comment button ... please do it! I read as many as I can and LOVE getting your feedback -- even if you don't agree with me. Debate is healthy. And I appreciate it -- sometimes, you bring to light things I would've never even thought of.

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