Cheating Is Slap In Face

Dear Dee:

My best friend's boyfriend is cheating on her. She knows, but still loves him. I think she's making a big mistake. What should I do?

Cheating when you're in a committed relationship is arrogant, disrespectful and shows an utter lack of regard for the other person in the relationship. It's a slap in the face. Your friend needs to understand she doesn't deserve this type of behavior from her boyfriend. She should respect herself enough to know that and not tolerate it.
This is where you come in. A lot of girls and guys put up with their significant others stepping out because they don't want to take the chance of being alone or without a boyfriend/girlfriend. They also put up with it because they're in love and don't want to lose that.
But it's important to realize what someone cheating says about the cheater's feelings for the betrayed. And no one deserves to be treated with that type of disrespect or needs someone thinking they can get away with treating someone that bad.
Of course, ultimately this is your friend's decision. But you can build her up and show her how important she is. Help her realize all the great things she has to offer to a relationship and how this particular one is not supplying what she needs or what she deserves. Talk to her and be supportive. I hope she'll come around.

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