Was I a Mistake?

Dear Dee:
My mom had me when she was 15 and I didn't think anything of it until just recently. I overheard her talking to one of her friends about having me young. She was talking about how, even though my biological dad was 19, she couldn't blame him for rape and stuff like that. It kind of made me wonder if I was a total mistake. Was I an accident? Should I talk to my mom about it? What should I do?

I think it’s probably easy to assume your mom didn’t want to have a baby at the age of 15, BUT when she found out she was having you, she made the decision to keep you, raise you and love you. And you know what? That’s what matters.

If truth be told, I bet a lot of kids in the world weren’t planned -- they were more than likely ‘mistakes’ that turned out to be wonderful blessings. Don’t focus on how you came into this world. Focus on what you have now that you’re here.

You have a mom who sacrificed to have you, takes care of you and loves you. Don’t lose sleep because you overheard her talking to her friend about her past. She could’ve been having a bad day that day and needed to vent, she could’ve been feeling a little sorry for herself -- she could’ve even been angry. Moms can’t be 100 percent happy all the time. And they can’t always be happy about what’s going on in their lives.

Tell me, do you always like being a teenager? Do you always like being your mom’s child? Truth be told, moms have moments where they don’t like being moms! But the wonderful moments far outweigh the bad ones and believe me, I think you just overheard your mom at a bad moment.

Talk to her about if you need to. I am sure she will confirm what I am saying: She wouldn’t trade you for the world. (Hey, also take this chance to let her know you dig her, too …)

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