Serious Issues With Mom

Dear Dee:
Why is my fricken' mom always on my fricken' case? I hate her. Help me.

Hum. I am a little taken aback by the anger here. So glad we're not allowed to use stronger words then ‘fricken'. I think my computer might've blown up. (It doesn't like swear words. It's silly like that.)
Anyway, I don't know to what extent your mom's on your case -- whether it's about grades, keeping your chores up, your friends or whatever. But I would imagine her being on your case has something to do with the fact maybe she just wants to push you to do better.
Hey, I don't know specifics. You weren't very detailed here. But moms tend to come down pretty hard and get all up in our business just because they see our full potential and believe we can do so much better for ourselves then we are.
So, they stand behind us, annoying the heck out of us and push, push, push. Even on stupid things like making our beds. She knows you could've pulled the sheets up instead of leaving them crumpled at the bottom of the bed if you'd taken two extra seconds to do it right. She knows 10 extra minutes of studying could've bolstered your math grade. And she also knows that blowing off your curfew and coming in 10 minutes late was a slap in the face to her rules. And she expects more from you.
It's just that simple. Moms know everything. It's scary, it's invasive and it's downright FREAKY. But they do. So it's time to just come to grips with it and appreciate it. After all, moms just want the best for us. And to help us get it, they push, nag and annoy. Truly. That's just what they do and that's why we love ‘em.

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