Dear Dee:
I read your
story on teen pregnancy and it made me cry. I'm a 16-year-old girl who has a lot going for her and I almost became a teen mom.

But thankfully, I have my mom. My mom sat me down one night and we had a talk, at the middle school I went to, I was called a ‘slut'. I was only scared of one thing ... becoming pregnant. My mom has no clue how that talk affected me. She told me that if I ever had a baby, it would not only ruin my teenage years, it will also ruin my future - and what I want to become. I dream of becoming a writer. I want to finish school and go to college for writing and child care. Your story just gave me more information about what it's like to be a teen mother and I thank you for that and for sharing your story. You're right. You're one of the lucky ones. And I now understand that my actions can have serious consequences ... consequences I am not ready to face. So thank you for sharing.

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