When Will It Be 'My' Time?

Dear Dee:
I don't want to rush things or anything, I mean, I am in middle school.

My friend has so many guys that like her. I know that I should give everything time, but I have never been asked out and I am not that sure if I have been liked. Well, sometimes (I don't know if it's jealousy), I feel left out because everyone I know has been either liked or gone out with someone.

And there are only two cute guys I like and I don't think they'll ask me out. But they are both available. Do you have any tips on how to get boys?

First off, don't compare yourselves to the girls around you! You're unique and things happen at different times for different people. So rest assured you're not behind the curve or anything. You're just doing things in your own time.

Worrying about whether or not someone/anyone likes you gives off a vibe to guys you really don't want them to receive. It looks a little nervous, uncertain and somewhat desperate, all of which are turnoffs.

You want a guy to like you? Just don't try so hard! Be yourself. Be confident. Be fun. Take pride in yourself and your appearance. Let guys know, by actions, not words, why they should be interested in you. (You're fun, you're approachable, great to talk to and you are interesting ... and pretty, too!)

If you feel like you're more on the shy side, just determine that you're going to try harder to put yourself out there and overcome it. Have confidence in the fact you CAN do it and you are worth liking! And again, don't compare yourself to others. They have faults and fears, too -- even if you can't see them.

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