I Know He's Doing Drugs, BUT ...

Dear Dee:
One of my best friends is thinking about starting to take drugs. He gets depressed a lot and thinks drugs are the only way out.

I'm really worried about him and I don't know what to do. I tried telling him drugs are terrible. He won't listen to me. He asked me if I would still be his friend if he did do them.

My dad says I should talk to the school counselor about it, but I'm not sure if that is the best choice. Plus, this drug is illegal. Please help me! I really don't want my friend to get hurt.

It makes absolutely no sense for a person to think drugs are the way out of anything. They're not. They are a temporary distraction that takes your mind off your pain long enough to hurt your body, cause you great harm and possibly even get you arrested. They don't help with problems; they add onto them.

This is what your friend needs to realize. He also needs to understand that trying to escape from real problems is not the right way to go about things. In fact, it's the cowardly way to deal with life. Let him know how strong you think he is and how you know he can defeat and conquer any problem life throws at him -- he just has to try.

Drugs prey on those who are vulnerable, weak and discouraged. His depression definitely puts him in this category. And it may not be easy for him to snap out of it. But it is important for him to understand he is wanted, loved and needed. He needs to find his confidence and his 'place' in this world. Drugs won't help him do that.

They'll just help him create a legacy of abuse, disgrace and self-indulgence.
If you can't get through to your friend, I really do think your dad is right on. The next step would be to bring in a trusted adult to help with the situation. It is NOT a betrayal of his trust of you. It is proof of your friendship to him and your desire to truly help him. Don't let your friend tell you any differently.

Also, feel free to contact someone at one of our hotlines to get tips on how to talk to your friend. They are professionals in dealing with these types of situations and may be able to give you some insight I can't.
I wish you the best and hope your friend understands how lucky he is to have you by his side.

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