In Pursuit of Athletics & Answers

Dear Dee:
I have never really been athletic and my parents know it.

In my school, sports are a big deal and so I went out looking for a sport to participate in. I found cheerleading -- something I always liked. I decided to start next year in September.

But my parents say I can't join the squad. Everyone says I'm really good! How can I convince my parents to let me go out for the team?

Obviously it's important for you to know WHY your parents don't want you to join the cheerleading squad. Is it because they're afraid you'll get hurt? Do they not want you traveling? Do they not like the sometimes negative connotation that comes along with being a cheerleader? What's the reasoning here?

If you don't know their reasons, you need to find out. And you need to make sure you ask with respect and the understanding you may not get the answer you want to hear. Also, take into the account the ‘because I said so' factor, and try really hard to figure out how best to ask for a real reason.

If you believe in yourself and your ability to make the squad, and feel you can be responsible and juggle your school responsibilities, your home life and practice, then talk with your parents in a way that allows them to know you've thought this through and really want to do it. Even propose a trial period to them -- that if you don't live up to your end of the bargain (good grades, keeping up with chores, etc.), then you'll quit the squad. Tell them how much you want this and let them know you're committed to making it all work -- and you're committed to making them proud of you.

I think if you approach this tactfully, don't stomp around or act like a baby about it (not saying that you do), you should be able to convince them. Good luck!

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