Don't Rush Into Love

Dear Dee:
My boyfriend keeps telling me he loves me so much and he keeps telling me I’m his angel and he will never leave me. But the thing is we have only been going out for two weeks! I’m not sure yet if I feel the same way about him. Please help me!

You definitely do not have to know if you’re in love with this guy after only two weeks of dating. All you have to know is that you want to continue the relationship and see what develops!

So seriously, don’t worry about that aspect. Take your time, sort out your feelings and only say things to him you know you mean. You really don’t want to say something you’re not quite sure you feel and regret it later.

As I know you’re an absolutely wonderful person, I have no doubt this guy is already totally taken with you. But do be wary of guys who spout lovey-dovey dribble as easily as they rattle off sports scores. Words are one thing; actions are another. So just be careful. Be gracious when he regurgitates his words of love, but if he probes you for an echo of the sentiment, tell him you’re not ready yet -- and when you say it, you’ll mean it with all your heart.

1 comment:

african woman said...

I can say that exploring to the relationship is exciting. I do agree with Dee-- there's no need to rush things for in a relationship there's always mysteries behind and it's nice to discover throughout the way.