Standing Up on the Bus

Dear Dee:
There are six people on my bus who really give me a hard time. A lot of the time, the oldest one of the group wants to sit with me and just does it. Then when he leaves on the fourth stop, he always says "Bye, sexy!" His other friends get off at the next stop. To make matters worse, I get on at the last stop and I have to end up sitting with them because there are no open seats! Help me!

First of all, if you’re not comfortable with this group of guys sitting with you, then it’s time you spoke up. If you haven’t told them firmly but nicely to take their sorry butts to someone else’s seat, then do so.

If you have, and they are still bugging you, it’s time to take matters a little further and get the bus driver OR the principal at your school involved. I know it’s drastic, but you do not need to feel uncomfortable on the bus and you have just as much right as these jerks do to enjoy your ride to school.

Now, I am sure you’re a very beautiful girl and fully deserving of the ‘sexy’ status, but if this callout is unsolicited -- and if you find it as offensive as I do, you’ve got to stand up for yourself. This guy needs a lesson in Manners 101 and should study up on how to treat a lady properly. Those kinds of catcalls are so 20 years ago, and we modern ladies don’t appreciate it.

So, demand that he give you the respect you deserve, because his current actions, name calling and overall presence is offensive, antiquated and very bullyish. Today, this kind of treatment is borderline harassment.

On last note: While I encourage you to wholeheartedly and passionately stand up for yourself, if you do not feel safe doing so, don’t take these guys on alone. Be courageous and ask for help. There’s no shame in that.

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