Your Conscience Is Your Friend ... Seriously

Dear Dee:
I've done some stupid things in the past. But all of a sudden I've been feeling guilty about them, and I have no idea why.

Is there something wrong with me? How can I stop? It seems like I won't think about it for a few hours, because I'm busy, but then it will hit me all of a sudden. I just want to go back to being normal again.

You actually are normal. You are going through what every decent, well-meaning person with a conscience should go through if they are to be productive, good citizens of the world. Just think of this: If you didn't feel regret, remorse or guilt about some actions, what would stop you from doing tragic things that hurt the people around you? Feeling guilt and questioning motives is what keeps us good. It's what makes us moral and it's what makes us human.

Don't ever be ashamed of the fact you want to make sure things are ‘right.' Don't ever be ashamed that you feel bad about something you did. When this happens, make it right! Apologize, fix it, forgive YOURSELF and then move on. Don't dwell on it. Just remember it as a lesson learned and as an example of what not to do in the future.

Again, be thankful for your conscience. Without it, you'd be hopeless, dangerous and scary.

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