He's Just a Friend ... Nothing More

Dear Dee:
I have a guy friend who was going out with a girl who is not his type. They've broken up and it wasn't because of me.

I feel really bad for him but then again I am really happy. My friends are now teasing me because they think I like him. But he's just a good friend, nothing more. They don't believe me. What do I do now?

There is no friendship rule that says you have to like everyone your friends are dating. It just doesn't work like that. So don't beat yourself up over it. He dated her; they broke up and you didn't like her. One has nothing to do with the other.

Now, your friends teasing you is only going to stop if you stop making a big deal out of them teasing you! So try your hardest to just let it roll off and try not to get angry or yell at them for it. Unfortunately, showing emotion in this type of situation only makes the friends tease more because they think they're onto something (when, really, you just want them to stop). Occasionally, friends are just stupid that way. So grin and bear it, try your hardest to act even-keeled about it, and in time, they'll stop.

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