Doing Stuff With Dad

Dear Dee:
My parents filed for divorce maybe a month ago and I'm living with my mom. My parents still talk, but the marriage just didn’t work out. My dad always called me asking me to do stuff like go to dinner or lunch or out for ice cream. But that got boring and I never know what to do with him. He's really fun, we act just alike -- people tell us that all the time. But what can I do with him when we see each other?

I'm glad you aren't having to deal with a nasty divorce. The D word is never pretty, but when parents drag each other (and their kids) through the mud, it only makes a bad thing worse. Now back to your problem. It sounds like you and your dad have a great relationship. I suggest you talk to him and come up with ideas together about how you can make the most of each other's company.
If you really are “just alike,” chances are you have some common interests, right? If you still need a few ideas, I would suggest trying bowling, golf, or even just people watching at a crowded place. If your town has a minor-league baseball team, go take in a game. It sounds like you two could have a lot of fun doing just about anything together. And as the two of you get more comfortable with your new situation, it will get easier.

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