Dear Dee:
I want to respond to your most recent post "Did Dee get it wrong?".
I don't know where to start with this person. Let me just start by saying that they way you are so disgusted with homosexuality, is the same way I feel about ignorant people like you. How dare you say that someone can't be themself? You say that their lives are "disgusting" well more people are disgusted by your lifestyle then a homosexual lifestyle; I don't BELIEVE THAT YOU TOLD DEE SHE WAS ENCOURAGING HOMOSEXUALITY!!
That just made your stupidity that more visible! If you ever have known a homosexual person and seen their confusion that they go through, not to mention the CRAP LIKE YOU PEOPLE give them! That person wrote to Dee for COMFORT and a just for someone to lean on! I hope that YOUR CHILD or a LOVED ONE is homosexual, gay, or lesbian. See their pain and maybe that'll make you a better person and not so closed to lifestyles!
Happy Holidays!
PS - Dee thanks for being there for people who are confused and need advice; your open to society and it makes it that much easier to talk to you. Thanks for being there for the ones who need it.Thank you to all my readers who write back regarding my posts. I encourage you to do that! Agree with me, disagree with me and even agree/disagree with each other!
Since we had two very different opinions here (this post and the one the writer is referring to) I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that future enhancements of Dear Dee will include commenting where healthy debates can actually take place! I really look forward to reading your thoughts and comments when the capability is added and never ever doubt how much I LOVE getting emails from of all you.
For me, writing 'Dear Dee' is a passion and I value your trust and loyalty.
Please tell your friends about 'Dear Dee' ... how about sending everyone on your email address book a note to check out the new site? I'd GREATLY appreciate it.
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1 comment:
To the person who responed to my response & anyone else who doesn't aggree with me:
I am a dedicated Christian and I believe that homosexuality is wrong because the Bible says it is. You may not agree with me, but if you are disagreeing my beliefs that it is wrong, isn't that the same as saying I'm wrong for disagreeing with homosexuality? Kinda hypocritical, isn't it? Think about it. I will believe what I believe and you can think whatever you like about it, but I'm not changing my mind no matter what anyone says.
Another thing is that you say I'm ignorant, but believe me, I have done my research. I'm not stupid, whatever you may think. I agree with the Bible 100% and it says its wrong. Read it sometime, and see for yourself.
I say all this to say that you think that I am wrong for not respecting someone else's lifestyle. But by saying this you are not respecting mine. I ask you to respect my beliefs. Thank you.
~the person who wrote "Did Dee Get it Wrong?"~
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