Dear Dee:
I really like this kid and my friend said she asked his friend to ask him out for me. So I asked his friend online if he said yes, and he didn't know what I was talking about.
My best friend lied to me, and it hurt my feelings. Should she still be my friend, or should i be mad at her?First off, let's make a pact right now that you'll ask guys out yourself and not tell your friend to ask his friend to ask him. Not only does it make a confusing question for me, but it kind of shows you probably shouldn't have a boyfriend because you can't even talk to him yourself. I don't mean that harshly, but it's the truth! If you're not ready to go up to a guy and ask him out and have to have someone else do it, then you probably shouldn't be dating.
Now regarding your friend; has she lied to you before? If this is a one-time thing, there's room for forgiveness. But if you're constantly catching her in lies, then I'd back off the friendship a little and have a talk with her. Tell her truth and trust are really important in a friendship -- and you don't have the confidence that she's telling you the truth AND you don't have a lot of trust in her.
Sorry. I know this wasn't the answer you wanted ... but I promised to tell it like it is ... and there it is.
My Friend Asked A Friend To Ask Him ...HUH?
tags: Dating/Relationships, friends
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