Did Dee Get It Wrong?

Dear Dee:
I'm responding to your response to the girl who was confused about her sexual orientation. You told her that it was a good thing that everyone is so open about sexual orientation. I do not agree.

Gay and lesbian relationships are wrong, and I don't think you should be encouraging young teens to become gays or lesbians. It is not an alternative lifestyle, it is an inappropriate, wrong, and not to mention gross, lifestyle. I know that you do not agree with this, but I know that I am not the only teen who believes that homosexual relationships are wrong, so I ask that you respect our beliefs and do not encourage other teens to become homosexuals in the future.
Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

How is being homosexual gross? Really, now. This has to be one of the most pigheaded remarks I've ever heard. Happy holidays, Dee.

Anonymous said...

The only thing wrong is PEOPLE like you in this world. Its a free country if you dont like it. MOVE. Happiness comes before everything else in this world. I am not lesbien or bi, but I respect other people's feelings and choices. So should you.

Anonymous said...

u r so totally rite. the bible says its wrong, and thats my guide to life. thanx 4 standing up 4 us teens who dont bleev that.

Anonymous said...

hmmm well these people are so incredibly StUpId!!WOW they are actually going against god's morals wow to the people that think homosexuality is right wow im sorry but god is gonna judge you incrediblity wow i cant explain the rush of you sinners going to a bad place sorry but that is that if ur not saved ur going to hell and i doubt well i know ur not going to god's paradise !~! romans 1: 26-27
because of this god gave them over to shameful lusts even there woman exchanged natural relations for unatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations,which woman and where inflamed with lust for one another.
Men committed indecent acts with other men and recieved in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Roman Catholic who is pro-GLBT relationships. The Bible does mention homosexuality, but the verse is often misinterpreted. God is not condemning homosexuality, but rather sinful behavior, behaviors which we ALL performed. Another biblical point, if God created all of us IN HIS IMAGE, than God must be tolerant of homosexuals. It has also been proven that homosexuality is prenatal and you can't change that. No amount of prayer, self-injury, or any religious ceremonies can "turn" homosexuals. You are who you are, and you must be true to yourself. And homosexuality is not a choice, because trust me, I would be gay if I could choose. In short, that comment was pig-headed and close-minded.

Anonymous said...

To sbrainiac6492:
You are the one with the misinterpretation. "Men committed INDECENT ACTS with other men and received in themselves the DUE PENALTY for their PERVERSION." What can be clearer than that? Homosexuality is most definetly a choice. "Men also ABANDONED NATURAL RELATIONS." People aren't born gay or bi, they chose to be. That God made us in his image so it has to be right is a weak point. If it were true than anything we do is right, right? WRONG! God made us in his image, but when Adam and Eve sinned,they fell short of God "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23. We all do wrong, and God doesn't say its okay. We would all be going to hell, but he sent Jesus to die for our sins on the cross so we could be saved.
God does not approve of homosexuality. If you don't believe me, ask him sometime.

Anonymous said...

Just because you who oppose the homosexuality of others are religious, doesn't mean everyone is. Stop trying to push your beliefs on others.The bible is one of the most variously interpreted, if not THE most variously interpreted book in history. That goes to show any way you spin it, there's going to be someone else to oppose you. Why can't you just let people live the way they want to live? If they're going to hell by your standards, what does that have to do with you? Live by your own morals, fine, don't push them onto other people. THAT is whats wrong. Proverbs 10:12
"Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs."

Remember that people.

Anonymous said...

It's not gross. It's not a choice. She's not forcing them to be gay/lesbian. So don't hate on her!