I Like You ... Not LIKE You

Dear Dee:
I had this awesome girlfriend and we had been going out for two months.
She was like my life. She seemed to make everything go more smoothly. My life seemed to be perfect. But we recently broke up.
I still liked her so I told her (big mistake). Now, two or three weeks later, I'm over her. But she still thinks I like her. She's spreading rumors about me, and calls me "clingy" (which consists of talking to her about two or three minutes at the end of class once a day). How can I approach her and first off, tell her "I'm over you," and second, "stop telling rumors about me"?

The best thing you can do here is SHOW her she's off your ‘A' list. She'll listen to your words, but she'll really believe your actions.

Don't go as far as ignoring her. Be kind, be courteous and talk to her whenever it's appropriate, but don't go out of your way to do it. Give her a friendly nod instead of starting up a conversation every time you see her. And then of course, when she sees you with another girlfriend in the future, she'll totally get the message.

Regarding the rumors: I sure don't blame you for wanting to tell her to knock it off, but as far as rumors go, this one's not so bad. You can most definitely talk to her about it, but that might come off as desperate, and in her mind, your denial of liking her might be enough confirmation for her that you really do ... so letting this take its course and playing it cool might just be your best bet.

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