She's Leaving, Should I Wait?

Dear Dee:
My girlfriend and I had been going out for about two weeks when she broke up with me because she got kicked out of school.
I won't be able to see her till next year. I never had a real girlfriend and I never felt like I've been feeling lately. My mom asked me if I want to move with her and my sisters. What should I do? Should I stay and wait for this girl or go with my mom?

I don't know how old you are, but it seems to me since this girl broke up with you, waiting around on her isn't really a good idea. She broke up with you.

You should get on with your life. And if that means picking up and moving with your mom, then that's what you should do. I know you're hurting because of your breakup, but you will get over it and you never know what you'll find when you move.

Who knows, maybe you can even email, IM and talk to your ex when she's ungrounded or whatever. Your relationship doesn't have to end because you're moving. In fact, it might just be the refreshing change you need.

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