Sweating Problems

Dear Dee:
I am 13 years old, and I have a HUGE problem with sweat. Within the first 15 minutes of arriving at school, my shirt is totally soaked with sweat in the armpit area. And I've tried every deodorant out there; I don't know what the problem is. I always apply it at night and in the morning, even during class and it still doesn't work.

I don't smell and I use antiperspirant. I'm afraid to raise my hand in class because everyone will see it. I can't wear certain shirts without it making me self-conscious. I always have to wear a jacket, even if it's 100 degrees out! Any suggestions?

I sent this question over to Jen, our fashion/beauty expert. Because, you know ... she knows everything!

Here's what she had to say:
First, please know that so many people have this same issue. Honestly, when I was in grade school, I had the same problem and tried several different products before finding the one that both smelled right, didn't bother my skin and stopped my excessive sweat problem.The strongest product on the market, in my opinion, is Old Spice Red Zone.

This is a guy's deodorant, but you can buy the unscented version and no one will know the difference. Everyone's body is different and our chemicals and balances all react differently. So although it is annoying, it may take some trial and error to find something that will work for YOU.If this does not work, then I would suggest talking to your doctor.

I know it is an embarrassing problem, but hey ... that's what doctors are there for, right? There are some prescription deodorants that have stronger formulas that will definitely take care of the issue. You might have a problem with your thyroid causing the excessive sweating; if that's the case, your doctor can prescribe the right medication to help you. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

The excessive sweating you are experiencing MAY be a medical condition known as hyperhidrosis. I would suggest trying Secret Clinical Strength antiperspirant. It's as strong as prescription antiperspirants, but without the irritation. Also, visit www.SweatHelp.org. You can request free information (a Teen Sweat 101 workbook) from them and subscribe to a free e-newsletter.

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I have a serious sweat problem too, and I too have searched high and low for antiperspirents. Dee, will I outgrow this soon? I'm almost 14 years old, and I can't take much more of this in school. To make it look like I don't sweat, I wear black/white shirts, and some people think I'm emo/goth. I'm hated by most of the school and I just can't take it anymore.