My Friend's Gay, But No One Knows

Dear Dee:
My friend is gay. She doesn't tell other girls because she likes being around them. What should I do?

It is not your place or responsibility to out your friend. When she’s ready, she’ll tell them and this should 100 percent be her call. She’s confided in you and told you because you are her friend and she trusts you. She did not tell you to have you spread it around to the masses.

Respect the fact she told you. Respect and honor the confidence she showed in you by telling you. And in her own time, she’ll let others know. Now, if you feel your friend is acting inappropriately around these girls (like in gym class or something) then that's a different matter and one that should be discussed with her one-on-one. And if that doesn't resolve the problem, most definitely talk to an adult you trust.

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