Snickering at Sneaking Out

Dear Dee:

My best friend and I snuck out of her house last weekend at about 2 a.m. We went and met a boy I really like. We are planning on doing this again. I really want to, but I feel like it isn't right. What should we do?

Well, your gut instinct is right (and I really don't think this is even a question of instinct or not. This is pretty cut and dry). Of course this is wrong. There's no question about it. Let me outline just how stupid it is for you and your friend to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night, K?
--You could get in an accident and your parents wouldn't know because they think that you're actually sleeping.--You could get lost.

--You could get attacked by some freak-o.

--You could get locked out of the house.

--You could get kidnapped while you're roaming the streets and no one would even know until many hours after -- because you're supposed to be home in bed.

--You could get caught, followed by grounded, followed by not ever being trusted again, followed by not being allowed to date.

OK. So those are just a few things I can think of off the cuff. BUT let's factor in the fact that you're being dishonest and giving your parents good reasons why they should not trust you right now to date or go out on your own. You are also putting your friend's parents in a bad situation -- letting them know that when their daughter gets together with you, she disobeys their rules and does foolish things. So you're also jeopardizing your friendship.

You and your friend need to wise up. And I really think AVOIDING the midnight (or 2 a.m.) rendezvous with this guy would be a step in the right direction.

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