We're Through, But We Look GREAT Together

Dear Dee:
My boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago. He had liked me and this other girl and so I suggested we split. Right after we ended things, he went after the other girl because he didn't want to be alone.

He never lost his desire to date me though and had loved me more he said. Since the other girl rejected him, he's asked me out again. We've had other problems before as well, but we get along really well and have fun with each other, plus I really like him a lot.

People say we complete each other, but I'm not sure if I should get back with him a second time around. Should I take him back or break loose?

You were right on to suggest the two of you split when you realized he was in a love triangle of sorts. But I think you should be a little apprehensive about taking him back after he’s been rejected by the other woman. You said yourself he doesn’t want to be alone.

And I worry he’s thinking you’re an alternative to that, versus really figuring out his feelings. It would probably be best if you put him off for awhile and made him be alone. My gut tells me he’d instantly run off and find someone else -- not even mourning your rejection.

BUT if he didn’t do that, and did give you a little space, his feelings are more than likely genuine and his previous lapse in judgment was just that. It’s great you two had good times together and had fun. It’s even great you compliment each other.

But make sure you’re together for the right reasons -- that you like each other and want to get to know each other better & pursue a relationship. Not because on the outside, you two are a picture-perfect couple.

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